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We Offer

We Help Families Navigate

The System

Caring for a child with special needs can be overwhelming, both emotionally and financially. Many resources exist to support your child. But identifying, obtaining, and maintaining those resources is often a complicated and daunting task that can frustrate even well-informed parents. 

Through our special needs attorney representation, we are here to help you navigate the system. 


We Aim to Provide

Quality Legal Representation

Our special education law firm is dedicated to advocating for the rights of children with disabilities and their families. We believe that every child deserves the same floor of opportunity to achieve meaningful educational gains. We represent children and their families in special education matters ranging from IEP meetings to Federal District Court.  

 We are Committed to Empower Families

We believe that all individuals are entitled to lives of dignity and social engagement. To this end, we are committed to helping families understand their educational rights.


Our goal is to empower families, such as yours, by identifying and working to obtain the educational tools and supports they need for their loved ones with disabilities.


We Dedicate our Practice

to Exclusively Providing California Special Education

Attorney Services

The firm was founded in 2008 so that Molly Watson, a former teacher, could pursue her interest in providing quality, affordable special education representation to families of children with special needs living in California. 


Ours is a small law firm, enabling us to work closely with parents to obtain much needed special education supports for their loved ones.


We are dedicated to helping families, such as yours, by obtaining individualized solutions to your child's educational problems.


The firm is unique in its ability to provide knowledgeable legal representation, usually at no cost to the parents, while also maintaining a personal connection with our clients.



We Help Parents Exercise their Right to Challenge a School District Regarding their Child's IEP

Unfortunately, disagreements often arise between parents and schools. When the parents of a student with disabilities and the school district disagree about the student’s eligibility, placement, program needs, or related services, either side can request a special education due process hearing. The request for a due process hearing is made by filing a complaint with the Office of Administrative Hearings.


Prior to the scheduled date for the hearing, the parties will participate in a resolution session unless both parties waive such a meeting. The parties may agree to participate in mediation. During mediation, a mediator will work with both sides in effort to settle the case.


If the case does not settle, it will go to hearing. Hearings are similar to trials in superior court. Often they last more than one day. At the hearing, both sides present evidence by calling witnesses and submitting any reports and evaluations that support their position. An administrative law judge decides whose witnesses and documents are correct and what program is appropriate.  


Our law firm has helped many families by representing them in administrative court proceedings. Although most of our cases settle, often with various agreed upon supports for each child we represent, we are prepared fight for a child's special education rights at a hearing.  


In order to secure an appropriate education guaranteed under the law, and by the compassionate foresight embodied in the IDEA, parents can turn to help from independent evaluators, advocates, and special education attorneys.


A Few of Our Successes

For Jessica (not her real name), a student who uses a wheelchair, by the time her mother contacted us, her school district had failed to provide her with any transportation for almost a year, and she was unable to go to school. Through our efforts on her behalf, the school district agreed to buy a school bus to transport her to and from school.


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